Welcome to the forums! (Rules and Introduction)

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Welcome to the forums! (Rules and Introduction) Empty Welcome to the forums! (Rules and Introduction)

Post by Cspike Thu May 08, 2014 1:13 pm

Hello SRGE members as well as SRCT a-like! I am Cspike; your commissar of information!

If you have not registered as of yet, please do so! As well as introducing yourself with perhaps tidbits of your hobbies, personal life, what you had for dinner Anything!

As first indicated, this is a post about rules, so if you're rebel scum; perhaps you do not wish to go on further. HOWEVER! It may be fortuitous that you take a gander, regardless.

Forum Rules/Regulations:

1. There's really not much to say here; you can post any topic you see fit that would benefit the forums in a positive light! No pointless slander of others (Unless they're the enemy of course!)

2. As far as I'm concerned profanity is acceptable but shall not be if in excessive use.

3. Have any information that you're hoarding that isn't on a topic on the forum?  Or have information on a topic that is not apparent? Please feel free to let one of us know! (Or the Thread owner)

4. Think this should be a given, but as it stands. No links to otherwise scandalous materials. It will be removed, post haste and you'll get a slap in the hands and thrown into my sex dungeon.

That's about the jar-gen for the forums, lets get to the rules of the SRGE Outfit.

1. Our members are to be respectful to players in our ranks and our republic. Rude and or obnoxious players shall be alleviated of their duties as a member. Respect and honor is what binds us; Show your support.

2. Taking part in outfit squads/activities are commonplace, do not feel afraid to ask for an invitation. We are all friends here. While it is not required to join us; in doing so you exude a desire to be part of the force, rather to just have a nice title in front of your name. That defeats the purpose of the outfit.

3. Respect your hierarchy. We are all equals, however when the shit hits the fan and your boots are on the ground; you pay attention to what your C.O is saying. It'll save us a lot of heavy sighing and who knows, may just keep your ass in the mix.

More rules shall apply if I so see fit, as well as if anyone else decides to have some input.

Remember, We are a cohesive unit. Without respect; Loyalty and an itchy trigger finger, we have nothing.

Again, Welcome to the forums!  Smile

P.S. : When you join the forum, you are first placed in the user group "Members". TheWildboar or myself will check rapidly if you are indeed in the outfit and put you in the group you fit. You can not see much of the posts (concerned in the first place are our guides) being only a Member, so please be patient  Smile


Posts : 8
Points : 3710
Join date : 2014-05-03

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